
Plastic | Wood | Paint  

Title Re-distribution of knowledge

       Date 2002

       By Ranjit Singh

Redistribution of Knowledge

The title Redistribution of Knowledge has a deliberate reference to the term Redistribution of Wealth, the artist arguers that the distribution of wealth without instilling a level of knowledge would be non-functional, as without consciousness of economic processes we only displace a state of underdevelopment, arguing unawareness and the control / manipulation of information is instrumental in maintaining global underdevelopment.

The artist states that “This piece of art represents a process of self-sufficiency a method that allows me to use disregarded material (rubbish) from council estates to create art, art that would finance further education / art engagement”.


The artwork that represented this methodology was disposed of when a charitable organisation took over the artist's studio space on the ground floor of a tower block, (Shelly Tower, Northfield Birmingham) in June 2002.

The artist insists the process of creating art to serve a wide ranging purpose contributed to the development of a functioning methodology and argues that “The art market is unpredictable; creating diverse and socially inclusive art is rarely popular”. With this in mind the artists aims to archive all his artwork and illustrate his concepts, this is an ongoing process and will be available for online engagement.




4 Consciousness